Good Times with Friends are Transcendental!

I recently caught up with some dear friends from The German School. I had not seen them since third grade and it was as if time had never passed. I wonder, are friendships made during childhood 'transcendental?' Do you have friends that you have not seen in decades and when you catch up again, you click, it works, it simply is meant to be!
Bonjour PR! Ici JR! :) Et en fait, mon deuxieme prenom c'est Pierre donc en fait, ici JPR!! En fait, j'ai deux middle names: Pierre et Olivier, donc...ici JPOR!!!
J'adore ton blog!! Mais je me sens nul par rapport a toi! Tu parles 5 langues et tu joues le piano et le violon?? Moi je parle 2 langues et...euh...j'aime regarder la tele :) You're making me feel bad lol
Bon, j'arrete d'ecrire pour voir d'abord si ca marche...grosses bises.
JPOR... j'aime ton nom.. c'est magnifique ;-) Merci pour ton "entry" ca marche parfait!!
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